Hey all,
It has been a while since I posted some photos, so I thoght I might share a few good ones. This first one is in Zion. Spent about 4 days in Zion, mostly climbing. The rock faces are up to 2000' tall.
The picture of me is on top of 400' climb me and my buddy Ben did out in Zion.
Here is me and my buddy Brad on the summit of Geronimo, a 560' foot climb in red rock. Awesome weather, and an awesome route. One fine day on one fine weekend.
These are all the pictures I can get on here for now. I cracked the screen in my camera. As luck would have it though, I found a camera in the desert. So, once I get the proper wires, I will post some more stuff. I am heading out to a place called Sand mountain for 8 days of work. Then heading to Great Basin for a few days of vacation. Hope life is well for all.