It has been a while since I have put up a new blog because I didnt have a camera to call my own. These are all photos by friends on trips I have been. These first three photos are all from my Thanksgiving trip to Joshua tree. We had beautiful weather and a big crew. The second photo is of most of the people who were there with me, and it just so happens all of them are my roommates (there are a few missing from the photo). Yeah... I have seven roommates. We were fortunate enough though to have some truly patriotic americans camping with us. We had ourselves a true thanksgiving dinner. Turkey cooked on an open fire, vege's, mashed pataters, and even some pumpkin pie. It was without a doubt one of the most delicious thanksgiving dinners that I have ever had.

The rock climbing in Joshua tree is to die for. It is a mecca for climbers in the US. It was so warm at the end of November that I was climbing in just a pair of shorts. (Where's waldo? --->)
On my last tour before I came back to MN for x-mas, my crew and I were out in Death Valley. It is a beautiful place, and we had amazing weather. There were days where it was in the 70's and nights in the 50's. You could imagine my transition back to Minnesnowta was difficult. Death Valley was definately my favorite tour. We got to clean up the one, the only... Barker ranch. For those who might not know what Barker ranch is.... it was the hang out of your friend and mine, Charlie Manson and family. It was pretty surreal to be at that place. It had a strange feel to it, but what better album to listen to to calm the soul than the white album? We had to do some back country, four by four, high clearance type driving through this slot canyon to get to Barker ranch. It was an adventure I wont soon forget.

This here is a place called Potosi Camp. It was where we got our training when we first arrived in NV. Every work week is an adventure in a new place, just like the weekends. Jealous?

Praying not to fall. A cool photo from a climb in Red Rock Canyon.

That about catches ya up on the happenings in my world. I leave MN to go back to NV this sunday, so I am enjoying a little relaxing and solitude. I do have a new camera now, so hopefully I can get another post up sooner than later. I hope life is well for all those reading this. But until next time....
Truly, madly, deeply,
(Pirate) Dan