Greetings friends,

So much to talk about, so little time. Well first off, I have moved out of Las Vegas (thank god) and am currently residing in Reno. It has been a drastic change, but a good one. This first group of photos is from my last few weeks in Vegas. Surprise, surprise... climbing photos. This first one is from when some old friends of mine came out from the Balck Hills for a week in Red Rock Canyon. It was really a chance encounter. I had no idea they were in the area and luckily we were able to swing a great day of climbing. Sometimes a familiar face is good medicine.

These next two pictures are of an adventure of a lifetime. I knew the climbing would never be quite so opportune as they were in Vegas, so I had to get it while the gettin was good. So Bradley and I had been planning this big climb. It was a 1700' climb. There was a big ledge about halfway up and we intended to sleep on it over night and finish the climb in the morning. It is a very big climb (the biggest one I have done so far) but pretty easy climbing. It is called Solar Slab and is a pretty renown moderate climb worldwide.
This picture here is from where we camped. We climbing about half the route one day and played around on a few smaller climbs. This is me having a celebration smoke with a view I wont ever forget.

When you go out climbing for the day, it is nice because its only for the day. You can get coffee in the morning, have a good day of climbing and get a beer when it is all done. When you are on the rock with someone for an extended time it can be trying. While on a bigger trip like this one, you see people in moments of fear, frustration, and ecstacy. So despite any minor setbacks in our climb, we came and we conquered. This is Brad and I grinning like idiots and saying goodbye to lady Red Rock (for now). The climb we did is in the back round on the big flat looking face to our right.

This was a cool photo I took on my last tour around lake mead. Nothing too exciting about it, I just liked the pattern the sand had made.
Here are a few other things the desert harbors that the average bear might not ever see. This is a blooming beaver tail cactus. While we were working around lake mead, tons and tons of wild flowers were blooming. They may look beautiful, but they have these tiny

little hairs that can blow around in the wind and they are mean little bastards.

This hear is a snake of some variety. We were hiking to the work site and I damn near kicked this guy in the head. I walked right over him, but he seemed too sluggish to care. It had some beautiful color on it though.

Well, that sums up the end of my Vegas experiance. Allow me to show the contrast of a new place. I am currently living with 3 roommates, all of which happen to be on my crew. We have a nice little apartment right off of the Trukee river and a cool bike path. It is pretty cold here yet. This is a picture of me drinking a bottle of cheap wine on top of Chikidee ridge. Some friends and I snowshoed up to the top and had lunch. What you may not quite be able to see is Lake Tahoe behind me. It was an amazing view. It was pretty cool too because the chikidee's were so friendly up there that they would eat peanuts right out of your hand. I got a promotion, so when the summer crews come out I will be a crew leader. I am pretty excited about where I am at. There is tons of climbing to be had out here (much of which I am sure will be posted in the future on this blog). So that about does it. I am digging what I do in both work and play. I hope that you too, reader, find joy in this strange journey called life. Until next time...
Peace, love, and understanding,
Saint Daniel William Janssen the First and Last