It has been quite a while, so I thought I might keep ya up to date, should you be so interested. I am technically done with my AmeriCorps term for the NCC. I thought my sawyer days were behind me, but it seems I was mistaken. At the point in time it is looking like I will be working and living out here until the middle of November. Here is a picture of my last week of work. It wasnt the greatest tour but it still beats working inside. That lake is called Eagle Lake.
Here is just a neat picture I liked. The trees are watching you.
What a surprise... climbing. This here is a picture of Lovers Leap (one of the coolest places I have ever climbed). This route is called Bears Reach. It took about an hour and a half to climb. It is about 400' tall. If you want to see a wildman climb it in 4 minutes go to youtube and check out "Dan Osman speed climbing". It is pretty impressive, even if you arent a climber.
This was a place I went climbing around Lake Tahoe called Eagle Creek (not to be confused with Eagle lake, where I was working). Just another alpine lake all to myself to play on.
Here is another place we climbed around San Fran. This place is called Mickeys Beach. The climbing wasnt much to write home about, but the climbing was literally right over the ocean. It was so amazing, and again we had great weather.
So that is about all for now. I will probably be in Reno until the middle of Nov. and then I am hoping to be working at a ski hill in Colorado. Keep your fingers crossed for me. I hope life is well for you all.
Remember me this way.
Love in abundance,
Dan the man Van Janssen