March will be my last month spent in Vegas. I wont miss the town any, but I will miss the climbing and beautiful parks. This first picture is from a day trip spent in the Valley of Fire. This is a really cool park near Lake Mead.
This here is just one of so many amazing views I get while I am eating lunch. What do you get to look at? This is in a place called Christmas tree pass. Each week is a new place and a new adventure. We just returned from an 8 day tour out in Death Valley. We were out in the middle of nowhere... about 50 miles away from anyone in any direction. The view was amazing from our camp and the weather was awesome. The only downside was the biting flies... tons of 'em. We were using chainsaws to remove an invasive species in the park
This here was an AWESOME climb. This one is called Tunnel Vision and this picture here is why. Up above is about 100 feet of cave climbing that shoots you out onto the rest of the route. The climbing was pretty easy here, but it was unlike any climb I have ever done before.
And finally this here is just another one of my badass lunchtime views. This is just some place south of Las Vegas. I think on this work tour we were picking up trash. Some tours the work is awesome, others arent that great, but I still love the new adventure that each week brings.
So I probably wont post anything until after the move, but I would guess that I will have some awesome pictures. I hope to all those reading this that life is well and you are having as much fun as I am. Keep reaching for more!
lookin pretty badass out there dano. im quite jealous. valley of fire is one of my favorite spots, and climbing in nevada sure puts Ol' vertical endeavors to shame. that said, i should be moving west again in may. hope to run into you one of these days, and of course lemme know if you are in minnesota anytime soon
You look great Danny. It sounds like you are enjoying every minute there. The pictures are awesome. I would never have to nerve to do what you do on these rocks. Glad to hear you are doing well. Take good care of yourself.....